Sell Your Home

Sacramento Real Estate Explained: Months Worth Of Inventory
What does months worth of inventory mean? Learn how quickly homes are selling in the Sacramento area and how this information could help you as a homeowner. Connect with Doug Reynolds Real Estate via Facebook, YouTube, and Follow his Blog. Clear skies, Doug Reynolds...
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Going Down: 4 Ways To Destroy Your Home’s Value
By David Weinstein You’re a homeowner now, you can kiss bland uniformity goodbye the moment you turn your apartment keys over to your now former landlord. The world is your canvas — at least, that part of the world that you now are obligated to pay a monthly mortgage...
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Facebook Live 12/13/17 – Sacramento Real Estate Info For Buyers and Sellers
This is taken from Facebook Live video from Doug Reynolds Real Estate. Some relevant info for today's market. Moving up in house…. In this short video I explain the options of selling your current home and buying another home at the same time. Typically called “Move...
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Facebook Live 12/6/17 – Sacramento Real Estate Info For Buyers and Sellers
This is taken from Facebook Live video from Doug Reynolds Real Estate. Some relevant info for today's market. Staging... Some advice to save and make more money when selling your home. Connect with Doug Reynolds Real Estate via Facebook, YouTube, and Follow his Blog....
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Sacramento Real Estate Explained: How does a home inspection work
Hi, I'm Doug Reynolds. I'm a Realtor in the Greater Sacramento Area and have been a full time agent since 2006. In this video, i go into great detail of what a "Home Inspection" is, how it effects a real estate transaction and what is typical for the Sacramento Real...
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Video – Sacramento Real Estate Explained: What is a pest inspection
Hi, I'm Doug Reynolds. I'm a Realtor in the Greater Sacramento Area and have been a full time agent since 2006. In this video, i go into great detail of what a "Pest Inspection" is, how it effects a real estate transaction and what is typical for the Sacramento Real...
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How Pricing Your Home Incorrectly Could Cost You
I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. And this article came from his website. I totally agree and it's a quick/easy read. Enjoy: How Pricing Your Home Incorrectly Could Cost You 3 MINUTE READ When you’re getting ready to sell your home, one of the most important decisions...
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Sacramento Real Estate Explained: CMA (Comparable Market Analysis)
Doug Reynolds, a Sacramento area Realtor, provides explanations to real estate terms. In this video i explain What is C.M.A. is... Comparable Market Analysis. It is doing a "mini appraisal" for a property to look at the comps. THis involves looking at the recent...
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All about the Staging Process for selling a home
Many times i'm asked by sellers about the staging process or why is it important to hire a stager. "Why is it so expensive?" "That doesn't seem worth it." "Other homes in my neighborhood are not staged." I don't always suggest staging for my listings. It's really...
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Home Staging on a Budget – The five Seller Musts!
Here's an excellent visual for sellers that are preparing their home for putting it on the market. Most sellers either don't have a lot of money to put into staging/fixing up their property or don't want to. So, here's a great guide from that i recently...
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How to sell your house during the winter in Sacramento
Doug Reynolds, a Sacramento Area Realtor, discusses strategies for getting your home sold during the cold, dark winter months in Sacramento. Important information for sellers out there this winter. The market has slowed down and you need to be in it to win it from...
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So, Why aren’t you selling your Sacramento home??
Now that prices have risen by 25% over the past year, why aren't you putting your house on the market??? Some are completely happy with their house and don't want to sell. Others are wanting to move but are worried about the low inventory and how they will be able...
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The Reasons Your House Isn’t Selling and What You Can Do about It
Selling a home can be a daunting undertaking, and while you may be helpless to control the state of the market or the number of prospective buyers in your price range, here are a few ways to be proactive against some of sellers’ most common pitfalls: Problem: Your...
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Ten things you need to know about buying or selling a home
By Deborah K. Dietsch of the Washington Post After staying put during the economic recession, you might be tempted by stabilizing real estate prices and low mortgage interest rates to sell your house and buy your next place. What you might not realize is how long...
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Selling Tips in a Buyer’s Market
A buyer’s market means it’s the seller’s turn to be flexible, especially with sale terms. Purchase price, closing dates, move-in dates, storage, appliances, window treatments, points and fees may all require a little negotiation. Whatever the terms, don’t let personal...
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How do contingency periods work when I’m buying or selling a house in the Sacramento area?
Doug Reynolds, a Sacramento Area Realtor, discusses the ins and outs of the contingency period when you are buying or selling a home. The three most important are: Inspection, Appraisal, and Loan. The standard time period in California is 17 days but that time...
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